
Showing posts from August, 2018

Transformers Park Solo, an Instagramable Place in Solo

This unique park is located in Jasatirta, Pabelan, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. The new Transformers Park opened around early February 2018 ago. When this truck was damaged and it was not suitable to use, the truck was arranged in a place next to one of the malls in the Solo City. The first time you enter you will see lots of trucks that have been arranged in such a way. This tourist attraction has attracted many tourists to take pictures. Not only offers a unique place to take pictures, in this location you can take an educational tour. Because of the pile of trucks this has contributed to the development of water resources infrastructure in Solo. There are about 48 trucks in Transformers Park. Visitors are free to take photos from any side. Until now, Transformer Park is still under development to be beautified again, so that it can attract more visitors. The plan, this place will be added to paving so that the tourists who come feel more comfortable. Although...